R2371653 - 75 Glengarry Crescent, West Vancouver, BC, CANADAView my new listing for sale at 75 Glengarry Crescent, West Vancouver and currently listed at $2,750,000.

LAND ASSEMBLY: Development potential for row townhomes or duplexes and a possible 1.4 FSR. The Official Community Plan (to be adopted on May 28, 2018) has designated this location for an increase in density and there is president in the area with already developed duplexes and other townhomes. Only a few minutes walk to parks, tennis courts, Collingwood School and Capilano Golf and Country Club. Also available for sale are the two adjacent properties 85 Glengarry Crescent and 81 Glengarry Crescent. Total area of all 3 properties is approximately 36,500 square feet.